As with some chronic diseases, diet can play a role in preventing and treating severe headaches.
The following nutrients, diets, and supplements can help prevent or reduce headaches:
Low-fat vegan diet
A 16-week small-scale study showed that a plant-based, low-fat diet can lower the frequency and headaches themselves.
Low carb diet
This type of diet can promote weight loss, which can prevent obesity. The latter is a risk factor for migraine. Carbohydrate foods are all foods that are high in sugar and/or flour. This includes pastries, sweets, sugary drinks, all pastry by-products.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Taking Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in a balanced way can improve inflammation and vascular resistance. The inclusion of fatty fish, flax and chia seeds, and nuts increase Omega-3 levels.
Eliminate foods that can cause headaches
Foods that can cause headaches include caffeine, chocolate, cheese, grapefruit, alcohol, and nitrates. But people who suffer from headaches can be sensitive to any food. It can all start with eliminating foods that cause allergies, inflammation, and those that have added colorants. Foods that cause allergies may include foods that contain gluten, eggs, mollusks, soy, fish, dairy, peanuts, and so on. Foods that cause inflammation include foods that contain a high amount of saturated fats, alcohol, and added sugars. These foods contain histamine, which can cause migraines. Studies have shown that gluten and alcohol can also have an impact on people suffering from migraines.
Dietary Approach Against Hypertension (DASH)
A study of 266 participants aged 18 to 45 found that people who followed the Dietary Approach Against Hypertension were 30% less likely to suffer from severe headaches.
Mediterranean Diet – DASH for Neurodegenerative Diseases (MIND)
Findings based on these two diets, which are similar, are promising in reducing the risk of migraine. In one study it was found that people who followed this diet were 36% less likely to be affected by headaches.
Vitamin D
Research has found that Vitamin D is important in reducing the frequency of migraine symptoms, but this is generally in those who lack it. More studies are needed to support supplementation for those who are not deficient in this vitamin.
Very low levels of magnesium in the body can cause neurological problems, including migraines.
Ginger, as a supplement, can help treat acute headaches or migraines.
Turmeric roots
There is evidence that turmeric roots can help reduce symptoms. In a study of 100 participants who had regular migraine episodes, it was found that turmeric (the active ingredient in turmeric) taken along with coenzyme Q10 could reduce headaches.
Some people see immediate benefits in maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. Constant changes in your blood sugar level can cause headaches and eating balanced meals that contain protein, fat and fiber can help keep your blood sugar levels constant.
Headaches, especially migraines, can be affected by the intestinal microbiome. Consuming a diet high in fiber can help reduce the incidence of migraines.